I believe the towers should be rebuilt because of the history and symbolism they held for new york and the country as a whole. The timing is right, its been over 20 years and I don’t believe the buildings will trigger trauma responses from victims (only if they are NOT rebuilt on the original site). And while I wish they could’ve been rebuilt on the original site, it wouldn’t be feasible considering most of the new complex is finished. As long as the towers are in new york city, I’m fine with whatever spot they’d be rebuilt. I was born in 2000 my mom worked in the financial district until 2002 so I grew seeing ground zero and being so intrigued by the missing towers. I know I’m not the only one with this relationship the towers, and new yorkers deserve a chance to see them again in person.
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I believe the towers should be rebuilt because of the history and symbolism they held for new york and the country as a whole. The timing is right, its been over 20 years and I don’t believe the buildings will trigger trauma responses from victims (only if they are NOT rebuilt on the original site). And while I wish they could’ve been rebuilt on the original site, it wouldn’t be feasible considering most of the new complex is finished. As long as the towers are in new york city, I’m fine with whatever spot they’d be rebuilt. I was born in 2000 my mom worked in the financial district until 2002 so I grew seeing ground zero and being so intrigued by the missing towers. I know I’m not the only one with this relationship the towers, and new yorkers deserve a chance to see them again in person.