The world was robbed of the 21st-century Twin Towers most of us always wanted. Click above for more comments that rebuke the cynicism that tried to replace the Twin Towers and failed. The world was robbed of the 21st-century Twin Towers most of us always wanted. Click above for more comments that rebuke the cynicism that tried CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR NAME TO THE PETITION
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All I hope is this new proposal succeeds so we can get our towers back.
Let’s hope they actually come back this time.
The Twin Towers were more than just ordinary work skyscrapers, they were symbols. Symbols of American economic power, globalization, and prosperity. But, the day they were destroyed by terrorists, that was all gone. There is still hope though. Hope that we can rebuild the towers once again, and take back what the terrorists took from us. Thousands upon thousands would agree.
From supporter,
Liam Gies
While I am Australian, the twin towers were America. They were so iconic and that is what made the NY skyline what it is.
Their reconstruction would be so symbolic as its a slap in the face towards terrorists and a general “You may knock us down but we will come back stronger”.
Please rebuild!
Rebuilding the Twin Towers is a powerful symbol of our nation’s strength, resilience, and unwavering resolve in the face of terror. The attacks of 9/11 were meant to instill fear and weaken our spirit, but by restoring these iconic towers, we send a clear message to the world: America does not back down. We honor the lives lost by standing tall and showing that we will not be defined by destruction, but by our ability to rebuild, rise, and persevere. This is not just about rebuilding a structure—it’s about reaffirming our national identity, strength, and commitment to freedom.
National landmarks should not disappear!
Ciao mi chiamo Ottavio ho 18 anni e vengo dall’Italia, sono sempre stato innamorato delle torri del world trader center sin da bambino (anche se non ho potuto mai vederle),e nel pensare che quei magnifici complessi architettonici non ci sarebbero stati più, mi sale una grande tristezza interiore sia per ciò che è successo ma anche nel sapere di non poter mai vedere quelle fantastiche torri.
Desidero fortemente la ricostruzione di quelle torri, anche per dare un segno di rinascita e di riscatto e nel trasmettere che il terrorismo non ci ha fatto niente, e poi anche perché loro richiamano un periodo d’oro un po’ per tutti.
Ovviamente sempre se questo non dia un fastidio generale a chi ha purtroppo perso dei cari durante l’attentato.
PS sarebbe memorabile.
I’m from the UK and think it’s a real shame the towers haven’t been rebuilt, as nothing would have shown the world terrorism will not prevail more. The New York skyline simply isn’t the same without these iconic behemoths. I’d love to see them rebuilt bigger and better, but with the same steel framed architectural style. Nothing would commemorate all those lost on 9/11 better than rebuilding the twin towers. New York authorities, please u-turn and give the people what they want.
the towers and new york deserve to go back to the way they were before
Born shortly before 9/11, the Twin Towers still have always been one of the most iconic symbols of the United States to me on par with the Statue of Liberty and the White House. Their design is unique, recognizable all around the world and stand just all in all for everything american. Bringing them back would be the only right thing.
Like the Sphere and the Survivor Tree, the Twin Towers faced indescribable odds against them and came out on top in February 1993. I believe the Towers should be rebuilt. It would be a great display of resilience and make New York feel a little more like New York again.
I think it would be cool.
Rising again taller then before. Unique concept to honor the legacy of the OG towers.