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United We Stand | Divided We Fail

Golden Twin Towers

It Is Not Too Late To Do The Right Thing — And Do The Thing Right

When we created the image above a dozen years ago, it was meant to portray the belief that new Twin Towers would penetrate the doom and the gloom that infiltrated the whole world on September 11, 2001, as the inspiring beacons of an American Renaissance.

We believe that is more true now than ever before. The downtown skyline has evolved far beyond what it was back then and so has the TTA plan. The ideas for completing the World Trade Center that follow will convince most people that it is indeed feasible and fitting. But will it become a reality? Only if the millions who have always supported rebuilding — who lean as much to the left as to the right and everywhere in between — stop getting played and distracted, put politics aside, and join forces to make change. If that becomes a habit, “a more perfect union” will stop looking like an impossible dream.

We understand that many people have waited a long time for us to finally deliver what follows — and will be impatient to read the specifics. Nevertheless, there are so many moving parts that it will be best understood by reading the short introductory pages ahead. We delayed publishing this plan for so many years because hyper-partisanship would have killed it. But now that Unity has risen to the top of the nation’s wishlist — as the results of the 2024 election left Americans across all divides calling for it as never before in memory — we knew the time had come.

Most of us are convinced that we can only gain ground together. But if half the country is left heartbroken, resentful, and defeated every four years, how can we ever get traction? How can unity ever be achieved? By seeing each other through September 12th eyes. Recalling how close we came in the days that followed the wrenching attacks — and how accepting of others we were — is the perfect place to start.

After all, it is unconditional goodwill that drives firefighters and other rescuers into harm’s way to save strangers. Honoring their example would make us better Americans. We should expect no less from ourselves. Having the discipline and commitment to conduct our affairs “with malice toward none and charity for all” is a tall order and the hallmark of a great country.

Opposites need each other. Drawing out and entertaining each other’s better angels will heal the division that has undermined our best efforts for decades. Just as a bird needs two wings working together to fly, so do we need our two wings working together to solve our toughest problems and achieve our fondest dreams. We can only overcome the bitterness and hardness of heart that divides us by flying higher — to gain more perspective and charity.

If we are ever going to find true solutions to what ails us, let it begin here on the World Trade Center’s hallowed ground. The Twin Towers epitomize bi-partisanship and the enlightened self-interest of The Golden Rule. If we come together to repair the World’s Skyline after all we’ve been through, the two golden towers would stand as a lasting monument to the wonders we can achieve together. What a memorial for the ages that would be.

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