In the land of the free and home of the brave, where has courage gone to stand-tall against the symbol of defeat we are now living with by not rebuilding the Twin Towers. What better way to demonstrate to the world what our country is made of – only this time build them higher and stronger (along with a 24 hour military station on the top floor – radars and tomahawk missles included!). What are you waiting for – step up to the plate; its never too late to do the right thing!
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In the land of the free and home of the brave, where has courage gone to stand-tall against the symbol of defeat we are now living with by not rebuilding the Twin Towers. What better way to demonstrate to the world what our country is made of – only this time build them higher and stronger (along with a 24 hour military station on the top floor – radars and tomahawk missles included!). What are you waiting for – step up to the plate; its never too late to do the right thing!