I was 13 when 9/11 happened, and I still remember watching the news on tv with my family and all of us being shocked! Although I had never set foot in New York, I was devastated and had nightmares about the towers burning and people falling from them to their deaths for a long time! I condemn any terrorist attack, and I strongly believe that the twin towers should return. Their absence is heavily noted not just by the people of America, but by all people around the world. The twin towers were a representation of a better, happier, more peaceful time/world…a world that we badly need today to live in again.
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I was 13 when 9/11 happened, and I still remember watching the news on tv with my family and all of us being shocked! Although I had never set foot in New York, I was devastated and had nightmares about the towers burning and people falling from them to their deaths for a long time! I condemn any terrorist attack, and I strongly believe that the twin towers should return. Their absence is heavily noted not just by the people of America, but by all people around the world. The twin towers were a representation of a better, happier, more peaceful time/world…a world that we badly need today to live in again.