Being 16 in 2001 and watching this destruction on tv from the other side of the world has had a profound impact on me since. A major world changing event in my lifetime and nothing has felt the same since. Those towers held a rightful place in that skyline. By leaving them destroyed and the skyline empty you are telling the world’s evil that they have won. Rebuilding them bigger and stronger is the only way to show respect to those that perished.
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Being 16 in 2001 and watching this destruction on tv from the other side of the world has had a profound impact on me since. A major world changing event in my lifetime and nothing has felt the same since. Those towers held a rightful place in that skyline. By leaving them destroyed and the skyline empty you are telling the world’s evil that they have won. Rebuilding them bigger and stronger is the only way to show respect to those that perished.