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Citizens of Other Nations (0)

  • signature permalink Rubio Monroe * 1/1/2023

    We enter 2023, and I’m working full steam ahead in the arts, to celebrate the 50 years of the legacy of the Twin Towers. Today I am much more mature and convinced that yes, we will see the towers raised again. Count on me so that April 4th never passes in white clouds. It is time to celebrate the legacy of these buildings, and the history of their employees who died in the 2001 tragedy, but remain alive in us. The Twin Towers became children of the 21st Century, and children of Humanity/Ethiopia, an integral part of the history of this blue planet. The pain of the New York people is ours, and the desire to heal this wound is also ours, as we are all brothers in the world. Will be all right. A Happy 2023 to all!


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