Rest in Peace

JFK Grave at Arlington National Cemetary

The image below is of President Kennedy’s grave in Arlington National Cemetery. Now that the fate of the Koenig Sphere is up in the air — and the planned internment of the unidentified remains of 9/11 victims in a crypt deep within the Museum is causing great concern — it is pictured here (and linked to the Sphere) to help readers envision how appropriate it would be to return the Sphere to its place on the WTC grounds, near the entrance to the Museum, along with the eternal flame that was lit on 9/11/2002, to honor and mark the remains at ground level.

Why shouldn’t families and visitors be able to pay their respects on the Memorial plaza? Shouldn’t that observance be at the heart of this memorial? Instead of taking offense at the criticism, shouldn’t Memorial officials be open to improving on what was originally planned? Isn’t the current Foundation’s lack of objectivity and the Board’s proprietary attitude over something that belongs equally to all citizens the real reason behind the calls for the National Parks Service to step in?


Families Want Park Service To Take Over WTC Memorial

Days after the “9/11 Families and Parents” group issued a press release calling for the Port Authority to negotiate directly with the Parks Service, the only place it seems to have appeared is in TheNonProfit Times. What is going on? The same thing that has been going on for the last ten years…

Downtown Express

9/11 Museum: Time for leadership

Editorial calls for “leadership” to resolve differences seem to imply that the resolution should be imposed, but that lack of respect for the popular will has pock-marked Ground Zero. In a democracy, leadership requires first looking into where most people want to go and then finding the way to take them there or persuading them to go elsewhere.

New York Times

9/11 Memorial Bars Elected Officials From Speaking at Ceremony

NBC New York

Feuding Over 911 Memorial Dishonors Victims

This is a good example of how the right end cannot justify the wrong means. Of course the memorial ceremony should be free of politics — and as moving as it possibly could be. In years past, officials were given poems and Bible passages to read like solemn karaoke performers. Giving elected officials a minute to say what is in their hearts might yield some duds, but it would probably also yield some very stirring, uplifting, moments.

But this year, no one will speak, except for the reading of the victims’ names. How did Mayor Bloomberg become the sole arbiter of 9/11? Fortunately, it was not the Mayor of Gettysburg who was in charge of the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in November, 1863; it was the Governor of Pennsylvania.

New York Times

Out of Context

The ancient Greeks and Romans put their heroes on pedestals — not only to honor them, but to inspire others. They were not banished into underground caves. A museum that tells the innocent victims’ story will be a wonderful treasure for all of us — but it reflects poorly on us as a nation that eleven years after September 11, 2001, there is no bronze statue to the memory of all the heroes who bravely responded that hellish day. It should be the first thing people see when they enter the memorial grounds. And then along the western perimeter of the site, the flags of all the citizens who died on 9/11. That would not “compromise the integrity of the memorial design” — that would reflect the integrity of the nation that mourns them.

CBS Local (AP)

Study: Sept. 11 Most Memorable TV Moment

New York Times

World Trade Center Transportation Hub Assumes Its Sinuous Form

2012-07-10T17:08:42+00:00 July 10th, 2012|Vol. One, No. 19 —|