REBUILD THE TWIN TOWERS! Nothing has rewarded the jihadists more than the ongoing sight of a world landmark wiped off the face of the earth.
— Dan Taylor / Citizen of Other Nations
We don't let terrorists do our urban planning for us.
The Twin Towers were meant to stand forever and they should be rebuilt.
— Darin Allan / All Other Americans
I travel widely accoss the US, and when the topic arises, I have never heard a single person indicate a preference for any option other than rebuilding the WTC.
— Doug Reuben / Business Supporters
Rebuilding the Twin Towers should have been a foregone conclusion... nobody suggested turning the collapsed section of the Pentagon into a garden/park/waterfall.
— Tom Insley / Citizens of Other Nations
The rebuilding of the Twin Towers is a moral imperative...
That would be the greatest tribute and a lesson for generations to come.
— Christopher London / Metro New Yorker
The decision to rebuild or not rebuild them will have a significant
cultural and historical impact for centuries.
— Edgardo Donovan / Our Armed Forces and Families
Terrorism is a war of symbols. That is why the Towers were targeted, and that is why they must be rebuilt.
— Lawrence Smith / All Other Americans
I personally want to see the towers rebuilt bigger than before.
Our elected officials should, for once, listen to what the people have to say.
— Peter Martucci / Metro New Yorkers
We owe it to the people to rebuild the towers bigger and better than before and show the world that we cannot and will not be intimidated!
— Albert Benavidez / All Other Americans
Any "alternative" design for the WTC will simply become the Osama bin Laden memorial. Stand firm! Rebuild the Towers!
— Martin Sullivan / Our Armed Forces and Families