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Our Elected Representatives (0)

  • signature permalink Brian McKinley 10/12/2009

    It really is the only reasonable way to go.

  • signature permalink Bruce Zimmerman 3/24/2009

    Please just re-build the twin towers, only stonger.

  • signature permalink Richard Brice 7/1/2007

    Please rebuild the twin towers as they once were, in fact , even bigger and talller. Thank you.

  • signature permalink Stephen Wagner 7/1/2007

    If the Twin Towers can be built in a manner that can be reasonably secure they should be rebuilt with federal, state and NYC funds if need be.

  • signature permalink Joseph Frank Baraba * 7/1/2007

    Don’t you politicians get it !…It’s ” WE THE PEOPLE.” who rule , not you the politicians. Many Americans are getting fed up wih you not listening and soon trust me , many of you in Congress and else where will be out of a job ! Re-build the Twin Towers, that’s what the public wants , you need to obey us , the American people…….

  • signature permalink Martin Jecklin 7/1/2007

    Seems we have finally put our souls up to the highest bidder. I bet T.R. is turning in his grave when he were to see our lack of spine to face the harsh reality of these Facists. Put it back in their face that we are serious about our civilization! That shouldn’t be a argument, but it is. We shouldn’t have discussed building a new tower. It seems we don’t want to offend the enemy. Put a fork in U.S., we’re done! No Spine, no Spine at all.


  • signature permalink Lee Thielke Sr. 7/1/2007

    I’ve said this from the start…
    A passive memorial will only embolden the Enemy,
    and in the long run, help them recruit more fanatics.
    The time for talking has long passed, and these Fanatics have to be dealt with, not just in the field of battle, but her at Ground Zero, where they made a clear and decisive move against the whole Western Civilization.

  • signature permalink Kevin C. Lynch 6/24/2007

    Rebuild the original towers! I can see adding a memorial site, but if we are such a “super power,” we should rebuild those two beautiful buildings. They could be the same height, or even better, make them the tallest buildings in the world.

    Send the message to these jerks in the Middle East who hate our life that we are strong, UNITED, and believe in freedom – not tyranny and cowardice!

    REBUILD THE WTC buildings!

  • signature permalink Sarah Szablak * 10/2/2006

  • signature permalink Greg Burris 9/12/2006

    Bring Our Country back to the way it was along with the Great City of New York, for our children and Grandchildren to come. Lets all unite under the Twin Towers.

  • signature permalink bernie carroll * 8/29/2006

    the only way to stick it to the bastards that knocked the towers down, is to rebuild them bigger and stronger.. plus it’s what the people want , they , we , don’t want anything else.. what part of this don’t you understand ?? rebuild , rebuild , rebuild the twin towers …

  • signature permalink Dallas Moore 8/19/2006

    To our elected governors and politicians, it is your duty to have these great monuments rebuilt to their original state. You owe this to the families of the fallen and to our great city.

    Dallas Moore
    ERA Premier

  • signature permalink TONY ZEBEKIS 4/26/2006


  • signature permalink Robert Powell 4/24/2006


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