The Twin Towers Alliance Petition When someone dies it is impossible to bring them back to life, but we are given a unique opportunity to do — Matt Franzblau | All Other NY & NJ Residents
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, share the belief that nothing could be more inspiring to our people, or disheartening to our enemies, than Twin Towers, at least as tall as before in every respect, soaring above Ground Zero. We believe that the devastation of September 11, 2001, clouded the picture long after the rubble was cleared away and that a thorough public examination of the rebuilding option is overdue and now required before proceeding on an unalterable course. We recognize no financial or political roadblocks that cannot be overcome if rebuilding the Towers is the will of the people. And, we see no conflict between stunning Twin Towers and a noble Memorial, which belong together on this site that means so much to us all. We submit that there is only one way to truly heal the skyline of New York and the heart of America: Rebuild the Twin Towers. Doing anything less would leave a permanent scar on the face of New York and diminish a legendary city. To add your name and comment to this petition, We have faith that the people of this country and the world will one day recognize the Twin Towers’ powerful significance and demand they be restored to the world’s skyline. We thank each one who signs and adds a comment to the petition above for moving our world one step closer to that transcendent day. |
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