The world was robbed of the 21st-century Twin Towers most of us always wanted.

Click above for more comments that rebuke the cynicism that tried to replace the Twin Towers and failed.

The world was robbed of the 21st-century Twin Towers most of us always wanted.

Click above for more comments that rebuke the cynicism that tried
to replace the Twin Towers and failed.


All Signatures (9147)

  • signature permalink Nick Konsh * 5/22/2023   All Other Americans

  • signature permalink Justin Fox 5/22/2023   Citizens of Other Nations

    I would like to see the Memorial and Museum to be relocated off site in a respectful way and have the twin towers rebuilt, eventually 1 WTC and other towers would be deconstructed from the top down. It was the worst idea to not rebuild the twin towers and whoever built this in their place should be ashamed.

  • signature permalink Sebastian Trejo 5/16/2023   All Other Americans

    I would like to see the twin towers rebuilt becuase they both represent how America is a thriving nation that is very strong and can with hold anything from its enemies. By not rebuilding the twin towers, we let our enemies laugh at us, and have treated us with disrespect. The freedom tower should never have been built. The building is a disgusting building. It does not represent the power of the United States of America. The twin towers do represent so many things that America has fought for. Every one wanted the twin towers and today still every one wants it to be built. There shouldn’t have been another design of the tower. I was born in 2003 and I never have experienced the twin towers before in person. Rebuild the twin towers stronger like never before and taller.

  • signature permalink Shiva Iyer 5/4/2023   All Other Americans

    I was born in 1998 so I was very young when the 9/11 attacks happened. I remember my dad showing me a picture of himself atop the World Trade Center that was taken in the 1980s. I’ve always been so mesmerized by the beauty of the of the twin towers which I why I was always so puzzled as to why they were never rebuilt. I understand it was probably out of respect to the families of the victims that were involved in the tragic attacks. However, I think that rebuilding the twin towers would restore hope to our country again and honor the victims/families of the attacks by sending a message that no matter how tragic, terrorism will never change New York’s once great skyline. I sincerely hope that one day, the twin towers will be rebuilt just the way it was.

  • signature permalink Carter Schartz * 3/23/2023   All Other Americans

    I was born in 2005, so I never got to experience the world with the twin towers. I’ve always felt that without the twin towers the skyline of new York seems empty. I feel like by not rebuilding the twin towers we’ve let the terrorists win, to add, 2 world trade center is still incomplete.

    In my home town in Oklahoma where I come from, we haya tower called the BOK tower, and it looks just like a shortened version of the south tower. Same building designer too.

  • signature permalink Gaibrial Collins * 3/19/2023   All Other NY & NJ Residents

  • signature permalink Alex Skorodumov 3/6/2023   Citizens of Other Nations

    This is history

  • signature permalink Nick Konsh 2/3/2023   All Other Americans

    I was born years after the attacks of September 2001. I first learned about the towers in a book about Philippe Petit who walked a tightrope between them, and I loved the towers ever since. But I knew I would never be able to visit them. this is why I am signing the petition. The New world trade center does not look like it fits as a replacement. Mabey the New world trade center could be built next to the original site, so the skyline does not get disturbed. we need them rebuild stronger but also keeping the original look, like the proposal for twin towers 2 (which would actually be a great fit for the skyline)

  • signature permalink Lukas K * 1/4/2023   Citizens of Other Nations

    the restoration of the twin towers is a sign that the terrorists lost and that they failed to break the will of the Americans

  • signature permalink Rubio Monroe * 1/1/2023   Citizens of Other Nations

    We enter 2023, and I’m working full steam ahead in the arts, to celebrate the 50 years of the legacy of the Twin Towers. Today I am much more mature and convinced that yes, we will see the towers raised again. Count on me so that April 4th never passes in white clouds. It is time to celebrate the legacy of these buildings, and the history of their employees who died in the 2001 tragedy, but remain alive in us. The Twin Towers became children of the 21st Century, and children of Humanity/Ethiopia, an integral part of the history of this blue planet. The pain of the New York people is ours, and the desire to heal this wound is also ours, as we are all brothers in the world. Will be all right. A Happy 2023 to all!

  • signature permalink Jemima Vo * 12/26/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

    I want to see those amazing buildings in the modern skyline

  • signature permalink Brian Hall 12/24/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

    Rebuilding the WTC to the exact design will send out a message to the faceless cowards that destroyed the original towers in 2001 that they will never win.
    REBUILD THE TWIN TOWERS IN THE EXACT SAME DESIGN (With added safety features built into the new buildings)
    New York does not look the same without the iconic twin towers.

  • signature permalink Juan Calderón * 12/14/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

    Los edificios más hermosos de la historia tienen que volver.
    Translation: The most beautiful buildings in history have to return.

  • signature permalink Cody Sugden 12/3/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

    Being 16 in 2001 and watching this destruction on tv from the other side of the world has had a profound impact on me since. A major world changing event in my lifetime and nothing has felt the same since. Those towers held a rightful place in that skyline. By leaving them destroyed and the skyline empty you are telling the world’s evil that they have won. Rebuilding them bigger and stronger is the only way to show respect to those that perished.

  • signature permalink Orlando Angulo * 10/17/2022   All Other Americans

    America needs to build back and build it better than before. As a symbol of unity patriotism and to truly never forget.

  • signature permalink Robb Wolff 10/15/2022   All Other Americans

    I believe the American people deserve the twin towers back. We need to rebuild and rebuild better. The current WTC 1 does not cut it alone. It would be beautiful to have the twin towers back in some form and standing next to the current complex. I do hope NYC and federal government politicians catch hold of this proposal. I believe this is one of the best development proposals of our lifetime. Until it is complete we need to keep fighting for it. Thank you to the Twin Towers Alliance for making this proposal and website available to us all. ????????

  • signature permalink Sebastian DeCardona * 10/1/2022   All Other NY & NJ Residents

    I message my future self here to one day revive the New York skyline. I am hopeful that this will be accomplished with double the height of the original World Trade Center complex, showing the strength and pride that is displayed on every American’s faces. I also do believe in the remembrance of the victims of 9/11, in which I would say that the current “One World Trade Center” can be used as not only a tribute of those who have died, but as a replacement for the 9/11 museum and still plenty of space to offer. For now though, my plans for the future ahead of us are to divide the “One World Trade Center” in half and rebuild WTC 1 & 2 into double their initial height to rise up to an incredible altitude of 2,736 feet. A statement for the city of New York built into itself. God Willing.

  • signature permalink Cesar Sebastian * 9/25/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

  • signature permalink Vin Ducey 9/17/2022   All Other Americans

    I’m an american citizen with an idea about potentially rebuilding the Towers next to the memorial, as a young person who hasn’t witnessed these 2 buildings that symbolized the US and the City of NYC, I personally agree that these towers should be rebuilt but stronger and 5 stories taller than the originals. After the 9/11 tragedy that took down the Twin Towers and left a huge hole in America’s heart, millions wanted these towers rebuilt after their destruction as they were represented as a symbol of the United States and NYC. Even Trump wanted these Towers rebuilt back in 2005 and Silverstein, Port Authority of NY and the people of NYC should do the right thing and we send a huge message that were still here. We don’t never accept defeat to terrorism. also visit with plans.

  • signature permalink Grayson Hiller * 9/16/2022   All Other Americans

  • signature permalink Josiah Yanuska * 9/11/2022   All Other Americans

  • signature permalink Raul Perancho * 9/10/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

  • signature permalink Brandon Overby * 9/3/2022   All Other Americans

    The freedom tower is a modernized and over all safer version of the original North tower to my view so naturally I expected there to be a second freedom tower erected next to it but instead there’s been a bunch of pointy spike like things a Lego block display and now something else stupid I don’t believe the reflecting pools should ever be filled but I believe the freedom tower should have a twin to restore the skyline in some way as it would effectively give the twin towers to the country once more and twin towers that can never fall as the originals did

  • signature permalink Brian Martinez * 8/26/2022   All Other Americans

    Bring back the twin towers in all their glory!

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  • signature permalink Angelo Carrubba * 8/12/2022   Metro New Yorkers

    I am a Native New Yorker, I want the world famous skyline Back.

    The skyline is not the same. It doesn’t look like New York.

    God bless America and peace to all New York.

  • signature permalink Joshua Cope * 8/7/2022   All Other Americans

    The NYC Skyline has never been the same since 9/11. The New WTC built is bland and too modern and does little to incorporate the old designs of the original WTC; besides, I felt the reconstruction excluded many new yorkers and average Americans, and only the ones who owned the complex had a say, I believe that was wrong, I believe we should have had more of a say, it was totally possible to rebuild the towers, without disrespecting those who died, and it appears it still is, I would love to see the old skyline restored.

  • signature permalink Aaron Jones * 8/3/2022   9/11 Families & Close Friends

    The iconic Twin Towers were a symbol of Freedom and international Trade and I believe they should Be Rebuilt immediately

  • signature permalink Tanya Renay Marinelli 7/24/2022   Metro New Yorkers

    We were robbed of those two beautiful magnificent buildings. They were more then just two buildings they were castles in the sky that housed our special cargo all our beautiful people. Twins rest in peace.

  • signature permalink Cristobal Luquez 6/24/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

  • signature permalink Karla Burkich * 6/23/2022   All Other Americans

    We Need The Twin Towers Back They Represent America The Most And They Always Will We Need These Towers To Shine in New York And Represent Who We are As The People And To Represent The Victims Of 9/11 And The Only Way To Do That Is To Bring Back The Twin Towers Of The World Trade Center And Bring Back The Better Skyline.

  • signature permalink Lukáš Hála * 4/17/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

    Hello dear Twin Towers Alliance, i really appreciate your suggest about rebuilding Twin Towers.
    It’s awesome idea, and i wish you good luck that it will happen. I am 20 years old guy born in Czech republic, i was born 8 months after 9/11 (june 2002), and as everyone else kids born in early 2000s, we saw those building in movies or on pictures. And it’s so sad we didn’t saw them in real life.
    And i wish that, they will be rebuilded. It still the most significant, and most awesome skyscrapers ever build.
    I was in NY back in 2013, and it was different. I was so sad, when we visit 9/11 memorial. I bought book about history of twin towers. So i hope during my life, or my children will see this awesome structures.

  • signature permalink Eduardo Agustín Hernández Méndez 4/10/2022   Citizens of Other Nations

    Translation: Why try the impossible, why follow your dreams? Well, because that was exactly what the original WTC meant, a marvel, the dream of every city, of every builder, of every worker. Then as soon as the twenty-first century arrived, it disappeared to be replaced by glass buildings. However, memory and memory never dies, the essence and meaning of the WTC’s golden site are those Twin Towers, nothing else will be able to return that power. Destroy them and tear down an entire country, rebuild them and prove to your enemies that they will never win, an opportunity for the world, something to admire. The impossible with effort becomes possible. 20 years have passed, the world is no longer in the same fear of those buildings, people clamor for the return of their glorious icon.

    ¿Porque intentar lo imposible, porque seguir tus sueños?
    Bueno, porque eso fue exactamente lo que significo el WTC original,toda una maravilla, el sueño de toda ciudad, de todo constructor, de todo trabajador.
    Luego apenas llegar el siglo XXI desapareció para ser reemplazado por edificios de cristal.
    Sin embargo, el recuerdo y la memoria nunca muere, la esencia y el significado de sitio dorado del WTC son esas Torres Gemelas, nada más podrá devolver ese poder.
    Destruirlas y tiras abajo todo un país, reconstruirlas y le demostrarlas a tus enemigos que nunca ganarán, una oportunidad para el mundo, algo que admirar.
    Lo imposible con esfuerzo se vuelve posible, han pasado 20 años, el mundo ya no le tiene el mismo miedo a esos edificios, la gente clama por el retorno de su glorioso icono.

  • signature permalink Juan Garcia 2/23/2022   Metro New Yorkers

    The original Twin Towers should be rebuilt in beautiful glass and same height as the old ones!
    The current one WTC might look good in a different part of NYC but not at ground zero!
    The design of the new 2 WTC proposal is an insult to all Americans and needs to be scrapped! Putting a building that looks like boxes falling over next to 1 WTC that looks like a pyramid would be ultimate insult!

  • signature permalink Yahor K * 1/6/2022   Metro New Yorkers

    I always would have wanted to visit the twin towers.
    I am very sad about the new complex, the main looks nice but very boring, its taking more than 20 years to complete, 2 towers can’t even get built, and 6 world trade center is missing.
    I want the tower to be rebuilt as whenever I look at pictures, they always show me american power and freedom.

  • signature permalink Monica Williams 12/20/2021   All Other Americans

    I was never truly satisfied with how they dealt with the WTC site after rebuilding. The twin towers was an icon of America’s greatness and was an iconic part of New York’s skyline and it was forcibly taken away from us. What we got in its place is an inferior replacement that im sure in time will be nice in its own way but will NEVER be as great as the twin towers. America was damaged by this and the 1 tower shows. Trump was right when he said if we dont rebuild the twin towers the terrorists win, because it sure feels that way now…

  • signature permalink Kamil Proszkowiec * 12/17/2021   Citizens of Other Nations

    Hello! I want old WTC to be rebulid and here I am gonna tell a bit about me to show you why I care so much about it. I am 17 years old from Poland. I never was in US yet. I didnt even live when WTC was standing. But I love NY and I love US. There are two countries I love: Poland and US. And I am also historian. I saw many videos of old NY. And you can see that in years 1993-2001 (before 911) were Golden years of US. WTC was beatifull and big sing of US power. And people around were happy. Ofcourse world wasnt perfect. Just watch some archives of old tv news of that era and you will see what I mean. I am not saying new WTC 1 is bad. But when I see how bad looks both designs of new WTC 2 and that it wont be as big as first tower is just sad. I want to see old WTC be rebulided. I love you US.

  • signature permalink Jonathan Cubero * 12/4/2021   All Other Americans

    I like the twin towers. The one world trade center looks ugly.

  • signature permalink Benjamin Perks * 11/29/2021   Citizens of Other Nations

    I was very young at the time the Towers fell at 4PM BST on September 11th 2001.
    Since that day, I have wanted to visit NYC to view the memorial, but as an adult, I find Freedom Tower an ungainly eyesore. Twin Towers Phoenix would have been the better project for rebuilding the Towers, and the old frames would have been a fitting open air memorial to the innocents who died that tragic day. It would have been the perfect way to say “We’re back, and we’re not going anywhere.”

  • signature permalink Quentin Richardson 11/13/2021   Metro New Yorkers

  • signature permalink Ryan Butler * 11/10/2021   All Other Americans

    America needs this now more than ever.

  • signature permalink Salvatore Napolitano * 11/1/2021   Citizens of Other Nations

  • signature permalink Jesse Gibbs * 10/26/2021   All Other Americans

  • signature permalink Jonathan Ciora * 10/24/2021   All Other Americans

    The Twin Towers should have been rebuilt bigger and better. The lone tower just doesn’t compare. It leaves the skyline feeling void of the American strength and resilience that the towers symbolized. It’s sad and I hope it will be corrected someday.

  • signature permalink John Hill * 10/23/2021   All Other Americans

  • signature permalink Joseph Dunford 10/22/2021   Citizens of Other Nations

    I have grown up watching the wonderful old Twin Towers in films such as Stuart Little, Armageddon, and Home Alone 2, and I truly feel the same as many others globally that the Twin Towers are the true icons not only of New York but of all America and represented a peaceful nation that gave benefits to mankind in contrast to the profit-hungry state that invaded Iraq and Vietnam. And thus verily, I believe too that the best way to really pay tribute to the victims of 9/11, and defy the awful terrorists who were emboldened by the Deep-State’s globalist pillages and foreign wars and learnt the skills they needed to commit the attacks in the first place, is to rebuild the Twin Towers in their full glory adjacent to the Memorial Pools and cut out the obelisk eyesore of a new tower. Twin Towers ????

  • signature permalink Max Speicher * 10/13/2021   All Other Americans

  • signature permalink Eric Aponte * 10/11/2021   All Other Americans

    These beautiful phenomenons should be brought back to really show the full power of the United States economic power.

  • signature permalink Mr Alt * 10/9/2021   All Other Americans

    The ‘twin towers’ or World Trade Centers MUST be rebuilt. It is the only way in which we can recover from the 9/11 tragedy. Making the two towers stand tall once again will bring America in union and put a smile in the New York skyline. This time the towers should be tall, but retain the same fundamental design of the original World Trade Centre. The twin towers must stand again.

  • signature permalink Owais Gholizadeh * 9/29/2021   Citizens of Other Nations

    I was 13 when 9/11 happened, and I still remember watching the news on tv with my family and all of us being shocked! Although I had never set foot in New York, I was devastated and had nightmares about the towers burning and people falling from them to their deaths for a long time! I condemn any terrorist attack, and I strongly believe that the twin towers should return. Their absence is heavily noted not just by the people of America, but by all people around the world. The twin towers were a representation of a better, happier, more peaceful time/world…a world that we badly need today to live in again.

  • signature permalink Agustín Silva 9/28/2021   Citizens of Other Nations

    Desde chico siempre me ha interesado la historia de las Torres Gemelas, tuve siempre la esperanza de que algún día las reconstruyesen, más fuertes y más seguras, como un símbolo de resiliencia para Estados Unidos y el mundo entero. La caída de las torres significó un antes y un después para la humanidad, pero creo que la mejor manera de sanar la herida que dejó tanta maldad, sería volverlas a ver erguidas como siempre debieron estar.

    Translation: Since I was a child, I have always been interested in the history of the Twin Towers, I always hoped that one day they would rebuild them, stronger and safer, as a symbol of resilience for the United States and the entire world. The fall of the towers meant a before and after for humanity, but I believe that the best way to heal the wound left by so much evil, would be to see them upright as they always should have been.

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